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28th Jan 2017

Concrete Spalling: Causes, Effects and Repair

Updated 29th March 2021 Across the globe concrete spalling effects a wide variety of structures including concrete framed buildings, multi-storey car parks, bridges, jetties, tanks and bunds. Spalling can have wide …

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12th Oct 2016

CPT is featured in the Concrete Society’s Concrete Magazine

Concrete Preservation Technologies’ article is featured in Concrete Society’s Concrete Magazine. Dave Bewley of Concrete Preservation Technologies (CPT) explains hybrid corrosion protection, a technique combining elements of traditional impressed current cathodic …

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5th Aug 2015

CPT feature in the RICS Building Surveying Journal

Concrete Preservation Technologies’ article is featured in Concrete Society’s Concrete Magazine. Dave Bewley of Concrete Preservation Technologies (CPT) explains hybrid corrosion protection, a technique combining elements of traditional impressed current cathodic …

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6th Feb 2015

The importance of corrosion testing & analysis for public safety

St. Philip Neri Church in Liverpool  was suffering from loose/displaced exterior masonry due to the expansive corrosion of steel reinforcement in the concrete arch beams.  Displaced masonry at height presented …

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