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CPT Monitoring Systems

CPT monitoring systems offer a customisable choice of monitoring units including;

  • Manual monitoring units
  • Automated monitoring with manual download
  • Fully automated system with modem for remote monitoring
  • Choice of solar or conventionally powered units

CPT monitoring systems offer building/structure owners security and confidence in understanding the real condition of their steel reinforced/framed concrete structures.

Although CPT’s cathodic protection systems are self regulating and require no ongoing manual adjustments clients have the option of using CPT monitoring systems to assess the system performance and also the condition of the rebar steel after the system has been installed. This allows steel corrosion rates and steel potential data to be monitored as part of a long term life care plan for the structure if desired.

Monitoring also ensures clients are compliant with the European standards for concrete repairs BS EN1504 and also “BS EN ISO 12696:2012 cathodic protection of steel in concrete” when required.

Reference Electrodes for Monitoring

Monitoring concrete monitoring 2
  • High surface area prevents loss of contact with host concrete
  • Chloride free – no release of aggressive salts
  • Excellent polarisation characteristics – stable potential when current is drawn
  • Compact unit facilitates simple installation

CPT manufacture the MN15 reference electrodes which are used in conjunction with the monitoring system. The electrode is buried into the concrete surface and measures the potential of the steel, relaying the real time data back the installed monitoring system. The MN15 reference electrode offers significant advantages verses conventional electrodes as it is based on a maganese oxide composition and produces a highly stable potential when current is drawn from the electrode.

Long Term Performance Data

CPTs MN15 reference electrodes were installed into the supporting piers at Whiteadder Bridge in Northumberland and were connected to CPT’s automatic data logging boxes. Installing telecommunication modems have allowed the live data from the monitoring boxes to be accurately relayed back to both the client and CPTs offices simultaneously over a period of nearly 10 years. This has had the advantageous effect of drastically reducing the number of visits required to the site to gather information – especially useful in remote areas.

Whiteadder Bridge is just one of many structures that have been monitored long term by CPT to both record system performance and assess real-time structural condition of the reinforcing steel.

Monitoring whiteadder bridge 1
Monitoring potential graph

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