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Concrete Testing & Assessment

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Comprehensive Testing & Assessment including ECI Services

Here at CPT, we recognise that if you are an owner or manager of built environment assets or a professional consultant engaged by the owner/manager, you need to understand the true condition of your asset without being bombarded by complex and confusing data. Unlike many testing companies, CPT employs in-house corrosion engineers. We have a comprehensive understanding of corrosion and its impacts, and are therefore ideally placed to give you the most appropriate, meaningful and cost effective advice particularly at ECI & the design stage.

CPT will test your structure, analyse and interpret the data, then summarise and communicate it to you in an easy to understand format. We can then offer a targeted concrete repair and corrosion mitigation solution, with ongoing monitoring if required, to address the unique set of circumstances driving corrosion in your structure.

CPT Surveys Advantages

  • Early identification of corrosion issues
  • Targeted corrosion monitoring to assist with the preparation of repair specifications and bills of quantities.
  • Complements pre-acquisition surveys and PPM schedules
  • CPT Surveys; making the invisible, visible

Our full range of tests include:

  • Steel half-cell potential
  • Steel corrosion rate
  • Chloride ion content
  • Carbonation depth
  • Concrete cover depth
  • Cement content
  • Steel continuity
  • Visual survey of corrosion damage
  • Specification of works
  • Schedule of defects
  • Hammer tap survey
  • Compressive strength
  • Petrographic analysis

Notable projects completed following CPT Surveys engagement:

West Suffolk Hospital, Bury St Edmunds, RAAC structure – RAAC corrosion

Bamburgh Castle, Northumberland, Grade 1 listed castle – Listed building corrosion

Aust Jetty, Bristol, Jetty – Marine environment corrosion

Shelbourne Hotel, Dublin, Steel frames building – Steel frame corrosion

Lulworth House, Camden, Residential building – Falling concrete identified

Parker Street Building, Liverpool, Steel framed building – Regent Street disease

Preston Bus Station Car Park, Preston. MSCP – Listed building corrosion

Examples of our Testing and Assessment Services

Enquire about our Testing and Assessment Services