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Selected papers are available to read or download via the downloads section.

  1. “G Glass, N Davison, A Roberts, Hybrid Corrosion Protection of Reinforced Concrete Structures, Corrosion & Prevention 2016, Paper 164, Australasian Corrosion Association, 2016
  2. N Davison, G Glass, AC Roberts, D Bewley, Long Term Data from Hybrid Anode Installations on Reinforced Concrete Structures, NACE Concrete Service Life Extension Conference 2016, Paper 47, NACE International, 2016.
  3. C Christodoulou, CI Goodier, GK Glass, D Dunne, Incipient anodes in reinforced concrete repairs: A cause or a consequence? Federation internationale du beton, 2016
  4. C Christodoulou, CI Goodier, GK Glass, Investigations into the cause and consequence of incipient anodes in repaired reinforced concrete structures, Concrete Repair, Rehabilitation and Retrofitting IV, CRC Press (© Taylor and Francis Group, London), 2015.
  5. A new arrangement of galvanic anodes for the repair of reinforced concrete structures,  C Christodoulou, CI Goodier, SA Austin, GK Glass, J Webb, Construction and Building Materials 50, 300-307, 2014
  6. Long term assessment of a hybrid electrochemical treatment, SP Holmes, GD Wilcox, PJ Robins, GK Glass, AC Roberts, Materials and Corrosion, 64, 43-49, 2013
  7. Long-term performance of surface impregnation of reinforced concrete structures with silane, C Christodoulou, CI Goodier, SA Austin, J Webb, GK Glass, Construction and Building Materials 48, 708-716, 2013
  8. Hybrid corrosion protection of a prestressed concrete bridge, C Christodoulou, CI Goodier, SA Austin, J Webb, GK Glass, EUROCORR 2013
  9. Diagnosing the cause of incipient anodes in repaired reinforced concrete structures, C Christodoulou, C Goodier, S Austin, J Webb, GK Glass, Corrosion Science, 69, 123-129, 2013.
  10. Towards rendering steel reinforced concrete immune to corrosion, G Glass, C Christodoulou, Corrosion & Prevention 2012, Paper 159, Australasian Corrosion Association Inc.
  11. On-site transient analysis for the corrosion assessment of reinforced concrete, C Christodoulou, CI Goodier, SA Austin, J Webb, G Glass, Corrosion Science 62, 176-183, 2012
  12. Protection of steel in concrete using galvanic and hybrid electrochemical treatments, G Glass, C Christodoulou, S Holmes, Concrete Repair, Rehabilitation and Retrofitting III, 523-526, 2012
  13. Assessing the long-term durability of silanes on reinforced concrete structures, C Christodoulou, C Goodier, S Austin, G Glass, W John, International Congress On Durability Of Concrete 2012, Paper B1-3
  14. Protecting the UK’s critical infrastructure–impressed current cathodic protection on the midland links motorways network, C Christodoulou, CI Goodier, SA Austin, J Webb, G Glass, Proceedings© The Society of Chemical Industry, 2012.
  15. Responsive behaviour of galvanic anodes in concrete and the basis for its utilisation, SP Holmes, GD Wilcox, PJ Robins, GK Glass, AC Roberts, Corrosion Science 53 (10), 3450-3454, 2011.
  16. Response of Protective Current to Environmental Conditions During Sacrificial Anode Concrete Repair Treatments, S Holmes, A Roberts, G Glass, P Robins, G Wilcox, Corrosion, 67 (10), 105005-105005-8
  17. A new approach for the patch repair of car parks using galvanic anodes, C Christodoulou, J Webb, G Glass, S Austin, C Goodier, Concrete Solutions 2011, 141, 2011.
  18. On-site impedance analysis for corrosion assessment of RC structures, C Christodoulou, G Glass, J Webb, S Austin, C Goodier, The Electrochemical Society Meeting Abstracts, 1068-1068, 2011.
  19. Corrosion risk of reinforced concrete structures following three years of interrupted cathodic protection, C Christodoulou, J Webb, G Glass, SA Austin, CI Goodier, 18th International Corrosion Congress 2011.
  20. Assessing the long term benefits of Impressed Current Cathodic Protection, C Christodoulou, G Glass, J Webb, S Austin, C Goodier, Corrosion Science 52 (8), 2671-2679, 2010.
  21. Investigating the effect of Interrupted Cathodic Protection on reinforced concrete structures, C Christodoulou, G Glass, J Webb, SA Austin, CI Goodier, European Corrosion Congress, 2011.
  22. Corrosion management of concrete structures, C Christodoulu, G Glass, J Webb, Structural Engineer 87 (23-24), 2009.
  23. Re-alkalisation technology applied to corrosion damaged concrete, GK Glass, AC Roberts, N Davison, Concrete Repair, Rehabilitation and Retrofitting II, 307, 2009.
  24. Hybrid corrosion protection of chloride-contaminated concrete, GK Glass, AC Roberts, N Davison, Proceedings of the ICE-Construction Materials 161 (4), 163-172, 2008
  25. Arresting and Preventing Corrosion of Steel in Concrete, N Davison, A Roberts, G Glass, CORROSION 2008, paper 08302, 2008.
  26. Evaluation of galvanic technologies available for bridge structures, C Christodoulou, G Glass, J Webb, V Ngala, S Beamish, P Gilbert, Structural Faults and Repair, 12th International Conference, Edinburgh, UK, 10 -12 June 2008.
  27. Hybrid Electrochemical treatment applied to corrosion damaged concrete structures, N Davison, G Glass, A Roberts, Transportation Research Board Annual meeting, 2008
  28. Making reinforced concrete immune to chloride corrosion, GK Glass, B Reddy, LA Clark, Proceedings of the ICE-Construction Materials 160 (4), 155-164, 2007
  29. Inhibiting Chloride Induced Reinforcement Corrosion, GK Glass, NK Davison, AK Roberts, CORROSION 2006, paper 06353, 2006.
  30. Engineering the chemistry at the steel-concrete interface to enhance concrete durability, GK Glass, Magazine of Concrete Research 58 (10), 2006.
  31. Achieving high chloride threshold levels on steel in concrete, GK Glass, NK Davison, AK Roberts, CORROSION 2004, Paper 04332, 2004.
  32. Pit realkalisation and its role in the electrochemical repair of reinforced concrete, Glass, G. K., Davison N., and Roberts, A.C., (Invited Presentation), Journal of Corrosion Science and Engineering, Volume 8, Paper 10, 2006.
  33. Critères de validation d’une protection galvanique, Guerin, R., Davison, N., Roberts, A.C., and Glass, G. K., in Protection cathodique galvanique appliquée aux ouvrages en béton armé, CEFRACOR, Paris, 27 March 2007.
  34. Enhanced Electrochemical Treatment for Concrete Repair, Davison, N., Glass, G. K., and Roberts, A.C., 8th International Conference on Concrete in Hot and Aggressive Environments, Bahrain , 27-29 November 2006.
  35. Electrochemically induced passivation of steel reinforcement in concrete, Roberts A. C., Glass, G. K. and Davison N., in Concrete Solutions – Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference, Ed. Grantham, M.G., Jaubertie, R.M. and Lanos, C., St-Malo , France , BRE press, pp. 295-302, 27-29 June 2006.
  36. Hybrid protection for marine concrete structures, Davison N., in Cathodic Protection – Ships and Marine Structures, Technical Meeting, NACE ( UK section), London , 23 May, 2006).
  37. Criteria for novel electrochemical treatments of steel in concrete, Glass, G. K., Roberts A. C. and Davison N, in Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Concrete in Hot and Aggressive Environments, 13-15 October 2003, Volume 2, p.477-492
  38. Principles and applications of galvanic repair to reinforced concrete in the middle east“, Davison, N., Glass, G., Aldridge D., and Roberts, A.C., in Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Concrete in Hot and Aggressive Environments, 13-15 October 2003, Volume 2, p.747-761.
  39. Electrochemical solutions for the rehabilitation of steel reinforced concrete structures and steel framed buildings, Guerin, R., Roberts A. C., Taylor J. M., Glass, G., Aldridge, D. and Davison N., in Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Concrete Repair, St-Malo, Brittany. 15th to 17th July 2003.
  40. The protective effects of electrochemical treatment in reinforced concrete, Glass, G. K., Davison N., Roberts A. C. and Taylor J. M., Corrosion 2003, NACE, Paper No. 03291, (San Diego, March, 2003).
  41. Surprisingly Effective Cathodic Protection, Glass, G. K. and Hassanein, A. M., (Invited Presentation), Journal of Corrosion Science and Engineering, Volume 4, Paper 7, 2003.
  42. Protection current distribution in reinforced concrete cathodic protection systems,Hassanein, A. M., Glass, G. K. and Buenfeld, N. R., Cement and Concrete Composites, 24 (2002) 159-167.
  43. On the corrosion risk presented by chloride bound in concrete, Reddy, B., Glass, G. K., Lim, P. J. and Buenfeld, N. R.,  (Invited Paper), Cement and Concrete Composites, 24 (2002) 1-5.
  44. Cathodic protection afforded by an intermittent current applied to reinforced concrete,Glass, G. K., Hassanein, A. M. and Buenfeld, N. R., Corrosion Science, 43(6) (2001)
  45. Backscattered electron imaging of the steel-concrete interface, Glass, G. K., Yang, R., Dickhaus, T. and Buenfeld, N. R., Corrosion Science, 43(4) (2001) 605-610.
  46. Chloride-induced corrosion of steel in concrete, Glass, G. K., and Buenfeld, N. R.,  (Invited Paper), Progress in Structural Engineering and Materials, 2(4) (2000) 448-458.
  47. A method of ranking the aggressive nature of chloride contaminated concrete, Sergi, G. and Glass, G. K., Corrosion Science, 42(12), (2000) 2043-2049.
  48. The participation of bound chloride in passive film breakdown on steel in concrete, Glass, G. K., Reddy, B. and Buenfeld, N. R., Corrosion Science, 42(11), (2000) 2013-2021.
  49. Corrosion inhibition in concrete arising from its acid neutralisation capacity, Glass, G. K., Reddy, B. and Buenfeld, N. R., Corrosion Science, 42(9), (2000) 1587-1598.
  50. Cathodic protection criteria for reinforced concrete in marine exposure zones, Glass, G. K., Hassanein, A. M., and Buenfeld N. R., Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering12(2) (2000) 164-171.
  51. The inhibitive effects of electrochemical treatment applied to steel in concrete, Glass, G. K. and Buenfeld N. R., “Corrosion Science, 42(6), (2000) 923-927.
  52. The influence of chloride binding on the chloride induced corrosion risk in reinforced concrete, Glass, G. K. and Buenfeld N. R., Corrosion Science42(2), (2000) 329-344.
  53. Non-destructive determination of the sheet resistance of conductive coating anodes on concrete, Glass, G. K., Field, S. N. and Green W. K., Anti-Corrosion Methods and Materials47(1), (2000) 5-10.
  54. Effect of intermittent cathodic protection on chloride and hydroxyl concentration profiles in reinforced concrete, Hassanein, A. M., Glass, G. K. and Buenfeld, N. R., British Corrosion Journal 34(4) (1999) 254-261.
  55. Comparison of methods for measuring electrochemical corrosion of steel in concrete, Hassanein, A. M., Glass, G. K. and Buenfeld, N. R., Corrosion Reviews17(5-6) (1999) 423-441.
  56. Differential acid neutralisation analysis, Glass, G. K. and Buenfeld N. R., Cement and Concrete Research29(10) (1999) 1681-1684.
  57. Chloride removal by intermittent cathodic protection applied to reinforced concrete in the tidal zone, Hassanein, A. M., Glass, G. K. and Buenfeld, N. R., Corrosion55(9) (1999) 840-850.
  58. Technical Note: The 100 mV decay cathodic protection criterion, Glass, G. K., Corrosion55(3) (1999) 286-290.
  59. Theoretical assessment of the steady state diffusion cell test, Glass, G. K. and Buenfeld N. R., Journal of Materials Science33(21) (1998) 5111-5118.
  60. Obtaining impedance information on the steel-concrete interface, Glass, G. K., Hassanein, A. M. and Buenfeld, N. R., Corrosion54(11) (1998) 887-897.
  61. Chloride transport in concrete subjected to an electric field, Buenfeld, N. R., Glass, G. K., Hassanein, A. M. and Zhang J.-Z., Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering10(4) (1998) 220-228.
  62. Chloride binding isotherms from the diffusion cell test, Glass, G. K., Stevenson, G. M. and Buenfeld, N. R., Cement and Concrete Research 28(7) (1998) 939-945.
  63. The use of small electrochemical perturbations to assess the corrosion of steel in concrete, Hassanein, A. M., Glass, G. K. and Buenfeld, N. R., , NDT&E (International)31(4) (1998) 265-272.
  64. Low frequency impedance data by Laplace transformation of coulostatically induced transients, Glass, G. K., Hassanein, A. M., and Buenfeld N. R., Electrochimica Acta43(12-13) (1998) 1863-1871.
  65. A mathematical model for electrochemical removal of chloride from concrete structures, Hassanein, A. M., Glass, G. K. and Buenfeld, N. R., Corrosion54(4) (1998) 323-332.
  66. Theoretical basis for design of reinforced concrete cathodic protection systems, Glass, G. K. and Buenfeld, N. R., British Corrosion Journal 32(3) (1997) 179-184.
  67. Neural network modelling of chloride binding, Glass, G. K., >Hassanein, N. M. and Buenfeld N. R., Magazine of Concrete Research49(181) (1997) 323-335.
  68. The analysis of potentiostatic transients applied to the corrosion of steel in concrete, Glass, G. K., Page, C. L., Short, N. R. and Zhang J.-Z., Corrosion Science, 39(9) (1997) 1657-1663.
  69. Monitoring the passivation of steel in concrete induced by cathodic protection, Glass, G. K., Hassanein, A. M. and Buenfeld N. R., Corrosion Science39(8) (1997) 1451-1458.
  70. The presentation of the chloride threshold level for corrosion of steel in concrete, Glass, G. K. and Buenfeld, N. R., Corrosion Science39(5) (1997) 1001-1013.
  71. An investigation of experimental methods used to determine free and total chloride contents, Glass, G. K., Wang, Y. and Buenfeld, N. R, “Cement and Concrete Research26(9) (1996) 1443-1449.
  72. On the current density required to protect atmospherically exposed concrete structures, Glass, G. K. and Buenfeld, N. R., “Corrosion Science37(10), (1995) 1643-1646.
  73. Chloride ion barrier properties of small electric fields in the protection of steel in concrete, Glass, G. K., Zhang J-Z. and Buenfeld N. R., Corrosion51(9), (1995) 721-726.
  74. An assessment of the coulostatic method applied to the corrosion of steel in concrete, Glass, G. K., Corrosion Science37(1995) 597-605.
  75. A investigation into the mechanisms of protection afforded by a cathodic current and the implications for advances in the field of cathodic protection, Glass, G. K. and Chadwick, J. R., Corrosion Science36(12) (1994) 2193-2209.
  76. A investigation of galvanostatic transient methods used to monitor the corrosion rate of steel in concrete, Glass, G. K., Page, C. L., Short, N. R. and Yu, S. W., Corrosion Science35 (1993) 1585-1592.
  77. Factors affecting steel corrosion in carbonated mortars, Glass, G. K., Page, C. L. and Short, N. R., Corrosion Science32(12) (1991) 1283-1294.
  78. A galvanic sensor for monitoring corrosion of steel in carbonated concrete, Short, N. R., Page, C. L. and Glass, G. K., Magazine of Concrete Research43 (1991) 149-154
  79. An analysis of monitoring data on a reinforced concrete cathodic protection system, Glass G. K., Materials Performance35(2) (1996) 36-41.
  80. Cathodic protection in marine environments, Glass, G. K. and Drewett, J., “Construction Repair7(4) (1993) 22-23

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